Table of Contents


Task for computing on data encrypted with symmetric key encryption. The inputs have at least one ciphertext among them. If there are more ciphertexts then they must be encrypted with the same key. The output of this task is a ciphertext encrypted with the same key as the inputs.

Required input objects

1…n data objects (ciphertexts, data) from SKEncrypt or SKComputation task

Optional input parameters

input script

Required output objects

1 data object (ciphertext)


Restriction: task must have at least one input and exactly one output data objects
Error: at least 1 input and exactly 1 output are required

Restriction: “inputScript” property must exist under stereotype details object - “inputScript” can be empty, but must not have been deleted from model’s file
Error: inputScript is undefined

Restriction: “inputTypes” propery must exist under stereotype details object - input types must have been selected and saved and “inputTypes” information must not have been deleted from model’s file
Error: input types are undefined

Restriction: at least one input data object must have type selected as “Encrypted”
Error: at least 1 input must be selected as encrypted

Restriction: all key input objects of input data objects that origin from SKEncrypt or SKComputation tasks must be with the same name
Error: key must be the same (with the same name) for all inputs

Restriction: all input data objects that have type selected as “Encrypted” must be encrypted data objects from SKEncrypt or SKComputation tasks - there must exist a key (with the same name) for all inputs that are selected as “Encrypted”
Error: all inputs marked as encrypted are not encrypted

Restriction: all input data objects fixed (by their id-s) in “inputTypes” property must exist also on model
Error: one or more input data objects are missing