Table of Contents


This task creates secret shares of the input value. The number of the shares is determined by the number of the outputs that this task has. The task also has special parameters to determine the threshold of the sharing - the number of parties that are needed to reconstruct the value and the number of parties needed to meaningfully compute something from the secret shared values.

Required input objects

1 data object (data)

Required input parameters

threshold, number of computation parties

Required output objects

2…n data objects (shares)


Restriction: task must have exactly one input and at least two output data objects
Error: exactly 1 input and at least 2 outputs are required

Restriction: “threshold” property must exist under stereotype details object - “threshold” must have been inserted and saved and “threshold” information must not have been deleted from model’s file
Error: threshold is undefined

Restriction: “computationParties” property must exist under stereotype details object - “computationParties” must have been inserted and saved and “computationParties” information must not have been deleted from model’s file
Error: computationParties is undefined

Restriction: threshold must be an integer greater than one and less than or equal to the number of output objects
Error: threshold must be an integer greater than 1 and equal to or less than the number of outputs (1 < threshold ⇐ number of outputs)

Restriction: computation parties must be an integer greater than or equal to threshold and less than or equal to the number of output objects
Error: computation parties must be an integer greater than or equal to threshold and less than or equal to the number of outputs (threshold ⇐ computation parties ⇐ number of outputs)