
PLEAK (Privacy LEAKage) is a next-generation analysis tool for the privacy audit of an existing system and the design of new privacy-aware systems. PLEAK lets you model your business process using the Business Process Model Notation (BPMN). PLEAK can then analyze the data flows using cryptographic privacy and differential privacy. PLEAK also supports the inclusion of Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) in the business process models to reduce the leakage of private information.

PLEAK is currently under development by Cybernetica AS and the University of Tartu under the DARPA Brandeis privacy technology development program as well as SHARE program. Access to PLEAK is currently limited to collaborating privacy researchers. For information about PLEAK or to request an account, contact pleak@cyber.ee.

Pleak is an open source software, our code is available in Github as Pleak-tools.