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Installation guide

Sensitivity analyzers are implemented in Haskell, and require cabal installation as a prerequisite. The analyser should work at least with version

Local sensitivity part

Building starts at pleak-sql-analysis/local-sensitivity-cabal. When building for the first time, a sandbox needs to be initilaized, and the dependencies installed my means of cabal.

cabal sandbox init
cabal install --only-dependencies
cabal configure
cabal build

Later, only

cabal build

is required to rebuild when files have changed.

If dependencies or project structure have changed, then run the configuration again.

cabal install --only-dependencies
cabal configure
cabal build

Derivative sensitivity part

Building starts at pleak-sql-analysis/banach. First, repeat the building procedure using cabal, exactly in the same way as it was done for local sensitivity part.

PostgreSQL needs to run as a background process on the local machine. The analyser should work at least with version 9.5.13.

After PostgreSQL has been installed, it is necessary to create a database named 'banach', assuming it will be used only by the sensitivity analyser. Permissions on 'banach' database need to be given to the user that runs the analyser. Here is an example of how to do it with Ubuntu system:

USERNAME@xxxx:~$ sudo -u postgres -i

Here the system prompts USERNAME's password.

postgres@xxxx:~$ psql
postgres=# create user USERNAME;
postgres=# create database USERNAME;
postgres=# \q

Now try to log in under USERNAME:

postgres@xxxx:~$ exit
USERNAME@xxxx:~$ psql
psql (9.5.13)
Type "help" for help.

Finally, create the database named 'banach'

USERNAME=# create database banach;
USERNAME=# \c banach;
You are now connected to database "banach" as user USERNAME.

All required components should now have been installed and configured. The executable is created in the subdirectory dist/build/banach.

Combined sensitivity

While both local and derivative sensitivity analysers can be used independently, we can combine their results together, so that both types of distances can be defined for the tables. To enable such analysis, go to pleak-sql-analysis/banach and give execution permission to the file sqlsa-quiet located there.

chmod a+x sqlsa-quiet

The derivative sensitivity analyser will now be able to call the local sensitivity analyser.

Running the analysis

We give some example runs of the analysers.

Derivative sensitivity analysis

dist/build/banach/banach -QD --db-create-tables demo_schema.sql demo_query.sql demo_attacker.att --epsilon 1.0 --beta 0.1


  • demo_schema.sql contains the database schema
  • demo_query.sql contains the query
  • default_attacker.att (allowed to be an empty file) is the description of constraints on attributes
  • each table T that is used by the query needs existence of two particular files:
    • T.db contains the table data, where the entries are delimited by whitespaces, and the first row contains corresponding attribute names
    • T.nrm contains the table norm, defined using the syntax described in the quick guide.

The parameters epsilon and beta are optional. The default epsilon value is 1, so it is actually reasonable for the user to choose it depending on privacy requirements. The default beta is chosen in such a way that it is adapted to epsilon, so it is not of great importance.

The parameter –db-create-tables reads data from .db files and stores it to PostgreSQL database. Hence, if the data has already been uploaded once and it has not been updated, there is no need to create the tables again, and –db-create-tables can be removed.

Guessing advantage analysis

dist/build/banach/banach -QDp --db-create-tables demo_schema.sql demo_query.sql demo_attacker.att --policy=demo_policy.plc --epsilon 0.3


  • demo_policy.plc contains the attributes that the attacker tries to guess, and the corresponding precision
  • epsilon is no longer the differential privacy parameter, but the desired bound on guessing advantage.

Combined sensitivity analysis

dist/build/banach/banach -QDc --db-create-tables demo_schema.sql demo_query.sql demo_attacker.att --epsilon 1.0 --beta 0.1 --distance-G=1.0


  • –distance-G is the default cost of row addition/deletion, overloaded by individual G values given in the table norm .nrm files.
sql-derivative-sensitivity-analyser_install.1542792042.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/10/01 13:53 (external edit)