Currently there is no registration allowed, so all new users must be added manually into pleak database.
User system with authentication using BCrypt salted password hashing function with a cost factor of 12 (2 12 iterations of the key derivation function) and HS512 (JSON Web Algorithm for HMAC using SHA-512) for JWT (JSON Web Token) signing and verification.
Password changing with strength check.
Blocking user accounts.
Business process modelling using the standard BPMN syntax.
creating, viewing, editing, exporting, importing, renaming models in modeller.
Per-user server-side storage of models.
Models and folders in two lists - own and shared models / folders:
models grouping to folders and subfolders for easier management and sharing.
sorting and filtering of models and folders for easier model/folder management.
Actions menu under each model to view, edit, rename, delete, move, copy, export, publish, share and open / edit models in editors (SQL-privacy / PE-BPMN / SQL Derivative Sensitivity) (options differ based on view/edit rights)
Actions menu under each model to rename, delete, move, copy, share folders (options differ based on view/edit rights)
Exporting of models to files in the XML format (.bpmn) and also to SVG images.
Importing of files to models in the XML format (.bpmn).
Private sharing of models and folders containing models with other users (view / edit rights):
if a model is shared with edit rights to user1 then the user1 will be able to:
edit, rename, copy, export, share and publish the model
open / edit models in editors (SQL-privacy / PE-BPMN / SQL Derivative Sensitivity)
if a model is shared with view rights to user1 then the user1 will be able to:
view, copy and export the model
if a directory is shared with view rights to user1 then the user1 will be able to:
view the directory
view, copy and export models in it
if a directory is shared with edit rights to user1 then the user1 will be able to:
add new models into the directory
share the directory
edit, rename, copy, export, share and publish models in it
open / edit models in editors (SQL-privacy / PE-BPMN / SQL Derivative Sensitivity)
if a directory has been shared with edit rights to user1 and user1 has created models into the shared folder, the owner of the shared folder is able to:
edit, rename, copy, move, delete, share and publish models in it