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This is a task used for Intel SGX computations - task executed in secure hardware. As input it can take public data or data protected for this enclave. Similarly as output it can give either public output or output for this enclave only.

In addition, this task can be combined with public key encryption to give an output that is encrypted witha given public key.

Required input objects

1…n data objects (enclave data, data) from SGXComputation or SGXProtect tasks

Required input parameters

group (with SGXComputation, SGXProtect or SGXAttestationEnclave tasks)

Optional input parameters

input script (direct input or input as an output of another stereotype task)

The analysis of SGXComputation stereotype supports the case where the computation script is replaced by another stereotype (doing some protection). In this case it is correct to choose that the output is Public output for SGX and fix the parameter that the script is Output of another stereotype

Required output objects

1 data object (enclave data or data)


Restriction: task must have at least one input and exactly one output data objects
Error: at least 1 input and exactly 1 output are required

Restriction: “groupId” property must exist under stereotype details object - group must have been selected and saved and “groupId” information must not have been deleted from model’s file
Error: groupId is undefined

Restriction: “inputScript” property must exist under stereotype details object - “inputScript” can be empty, but must not have been deleted from model’s file
Error: inputScript is undefined

Restriction: in case input script is selected as an output of another stereotype task, this task must have selected stereotype attached to it on model and in model’s file
Error: inputScript stereotype is missing

Restriction: “inputTypes” property must exist under stereotype details object - input types must have been selected for each input and saved and “inputTypes” information must not have been deleted from model’s file
Error: input types are undefined

Restriction: “outputTypes” property must exist under stereotype details object - output type must have been selected and saved and “outputTypes” information must not have been deleted from model’s file
Error: output type is undefined

Restriction: at least one input data object must have type selected as “SGXPrivate”
Error: at least 1 input must be selected as encrypted

Restriction: all input data objects that have type selected as “SGXPrivate” must be data objects from SGXProtect tasks or data objects selected as “SGXPrivate” from SGXComputation tasks - they must be all from tasks of the same stereotype group
Error: all inputs marked as SGXPrivate are not SGXPrivate

Group specific restrictions

Restriction: all group tasks from the same stereotype group must be on the same lane
Error: all group tasks must be on the same lane

pe-bpmn-editor_sgxcomputation.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/01 09:46 by pullonen