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Decryption task for symmetric key encryption. The inputs are the key and the ciphertext. The output is the plaintext if the input key is the same as was used to produce the ciphertext.

Required input objects

2 data objects (secret key, ciphertext) from SKEncrypt or SKComputation task

Required output objects

1 data object (data)


Restriction: task must have at exactly two input and one output data objects
Error: exactly 2 inputs and 1 output are required

Restriction: “ciphertext” property must exist under stereotype details object - “ciphertext” must have been selected and saved and “ciphertext” information must not have been deleted from model’s file
Error: ciphertext is undefined

Restriction: “key” property must exist under stereotype details object - “key” must have been selected and saved and “key” information must not have been deleted from model’s file
Error: key is undefined

Restriction: input data object fixed (by its id) in “ciphertext” property must exist also on model
Error: ciphertext object is missing

Restriction: input data object fixed (by its id) in “key” property must exist also on model
Error: key object is missing

Restriction: ciphertext and key objects must be different data objects - they must have different ids
Error: ciphertext and key must be different objects

Restriction: input data object selected as key must be an input object “key” from SKEncrypt task or one of the input objects selected as “Encrypted” from SKComputation task - it must have the same name as input object “key” from SKEncrypt task or as one of the input objects selected as “Encrypted” from SKComputation task
Error: ciphertext is encrypted with wrong encryption method or is not encrypted

Restriction: input data object selected as key must be with the same name as all input “encryption key” objects from SKEncrypt and SKComputation tasks - there must be only one unique key name concerning particular input ciphertext
Error: decryption key must be the same (with the same name) as the encryption key

pe-bpmn-editor_skdecrypt.txt · Last modified: 2020/03/02 15:18 by pullonen